Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Answering Questions

Why did Sadie have an emergency c-section?
Let's give a short version of the narrative: there was some evidence that Sadie's water may have broke--not terrible sure, she called the hospital. They said to come get checked to be sure. Her water had not broken; however, while the nurse was on the phone with her doctor, the monitor showed a major reduction in the baby's heart rate. This was temporary, but the doctor ordered an ultra-sound to be sure. The ultra-sound showed a low level of amniotic fluid (hence the evidence of the water breaking), which can be dangerous, and so since the baby was full-term, labor was to be induced. During the very early stages of this inducing, the monitor lost the baby's heart rate. Suddenly there was a flurry of nurses, then doctors came, and it was determined the baby had to come fast. So Sadie was wheeled away and prepared while Joe paced around the room. Later somebody came to get Joe. Thinking he was going to hold Sadie's hand during the procedure, he walked toward her but then was pointed another way. There sat Fox, screaming his conehead off.

So there's the short story, leaving out the emotions and fear of what was happening. It all went fast: Joe and Sadie were watching football, calm, laughing, and Joe looked at the clock (which read 8:05) and commented that it was already after 8:00. The baby was born at 8:36. So Sadie was spared the agony of labor, and instead got a brief dose of intense fear. It all worked out, though--before 10:00, Joe was wheeling Fox in to meet his mommy.

Why did you name the kid "Fox"? Are you a couple of crazy hippies?
Sadie and Joe both really wanted a unique name. Joe really liked The X-Files (his grad school schedule allowed him to watch a lot of the Sci Fi Channel), and Fox Mulder had all the virtues he admired (the desire to believe, the quest for truth). Sadie also loved the name, and hence his name is Fox. We are getting used to calling him by his name.

His full name is Fox Atticus Meissner Fischer. Yes, if you look at that name, I don't blame you for thinking us a couple of wackos. I don't think we are, though. It's really a wonderful name.


Blue Viking Devil said...

I enjoy the narrative that still refers to Fox as "the baby" under the emergency C-section portion of the post. Very historically accurate since at that time you did not have an idea if Fox was going to be a boy. Kudos. He does look pretty cute and I look forward to meeting Mr. Fox Atticus Meissner Fischer when I am up in February. Micah Douglas Ray Halbersma will also be excited to see another "bee" (his phonetic pronunciation of baby).

Anonymous said...

Oh, he is so beautiful!! Congrads - and what wonder-full name.

Anonymous said...

Everyone seems to say - Fox? Fox what? Then you gave the whole "what" and more people said - what? I personally like the name and love the middle one. Fox will be a unique name as well as a unique person. Congrats. Hope to see him soon - Deaunna has gone almost out of her skin with the pic you sent - thanks