Thursday, August 30, 2007

Fox's New Best Friend

Fox has a new best friend. His name is Stripey, and he is a stuffed tiger:

This is the item we have chosen to be Fox's comfort object. He sleeps with Stripey, plays with Stripey, and generally loves Stripey:

In other news, Fox is learning to move around a lot more now. He can get up on his hands and knees and do the butt-bounce thing. It's very cute. But it is very difficult to capture on film. However, we were able to capture on film the new face he has leared: mad face. His cousins Andy, Carl, and Joshy helped:

Here Fox is holding his bottle like a big boy, and wearing his overalls with no shirt, like a little Huck Finn:

All in all, things are going well. Fox starts day care on Tuesday (blah). We are enjoying the last couple days before school starts. We are having trouble with our camera right now, so I can't currently take any pictures. This is something I will work on fixing asap, but in the meantime, I might not be able to post anything for a bit.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fox in River Falls

Yesterday, we took a trip to River Falls with Rob and Karissa. Fox did all sorts of fun things. Here he is in the new sweet student center:

And here he is at Luigi's with us:

I just thought this was a funny picture:

Today, Fox turned 7 months old. He grew two front bottom teeth (the first one popped through Friday). Photographing the teeth proved difficult, but here are some of his 7 month pics:

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Two Weeks Of Learning

Sorry we haven't posted in a while. Here are some pics of Fox being cute and doing new things. Here he is sitting:

This is the way he likes to suck his fingers:

Happy to wear Jon's hat:

Rolling over from back to tummy:

Playing in the sprinkler with Mommy:

Learning to play piano:

He got his eyes examined today, and they are fine. I wanted to take some photos, but there wasn't a chance. You'll have to imagine it.