Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Final Parade

Fox not only tells good jokes, but he does amazing celebrity impressions. Guess who this is?

He got pretty interested in the camera and got close enough to investigate. Then Joe took this picture.

Here is Fox at the Sinclair Lewis Days Parade (or, the Sauk Centre Days Parade, as I like to call it). He had fun picking up candy, looking at horses with Grampa, and running around gleefully.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Parade Month

July is parade month for the Fischer family. Here we are on the 4th of July in Afton:

After the parade, we spent the day with family and friends. Here is Fox getting a big hug from his cousin, Faith:

The next parade we went to was the White Bear Avenue parade this past Wednesday. Fox somehow figured out how to unwrap and eat lollipops. We were amazed.

Today, we went to the Ramsey County Fair. Fox had a lot of fun looking at the animals:

Other fun things in Fox's life right now: he got a Viking hat (pictured on the right), and he is a dancing fool. Here he is at the Afton parade dancing to the music:

Next week, we will be going to Sauk Centre for Sinclair Lewis Days, so Fox will get to go to yet another parade! Life is good.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Check Out The New Moves

As we were watching The Office, we discovered that Fox has a new way of dancing. It is adorable. Check it out! Too bad he didn't learn this until after Jacque and Jon's wedding.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Summer: Water and Family Fun

Fox is now walking around all over the place. He also points out every ball he sees ("ball" is his first and favorite word), every animal he sees (which he calls "mmmm") and waves at people and cars. Here are pictures from some of his recent adventures (in mostly random order).

Fox enjoyed Underwater World at the Mall of America, where he saw sharks swimming around above him!

Here he goes! Sometimes he just starts walking down the sidewalk.
Look at me!
Fox took a trip to Massachusetts, flying on a plane and spending time in Boston and in Salem visiting Rob and Karissa. Here he sees the ocean.

Fox loves pretty much any water--here he is in his pool.
Our family in Salem.
I laugh at the world! It is hilarious to me!
Fox dips his feet at the headwaters of the Mississippi River at Itaska State Park.

Back at the ocean...

Fox attended Jon's and Jacque's wedding, spending time with family.

Family picture in Boston.
For some reason, we're always taking pictures of Fox on statues of animals.

A big family picture.
Fox sure likes water.

Running around in the park with birds. He's acting out the role of George Costanza and later Jerry Seinfeld running through the birds.
I'm a superstar!