Sunday, July 15, 2007

More Fox Updates

Here are some pictures we took at the parade on White Bear for the Ramsey County Fair. Fox had so much fun he got worn out and fell asleep in the midst of the action!

Fox is eating baby food now. So far, he just does rice cereal (and milk). His first meal was Wednesday, when uncle Jerod, aunt Jacque, and uncle Jon were here. We got some good video of that. These pics were taken Thursday during his second meal. Here he is with a sticky, messy face:

And the process:

He seems to be taking to food really well. Also, this past week we went to a wedding (Joe was an usher and reader). Here are some pictures from that. I have a feeling that for a while, most pictures are going to have either me or Joe in them, but not usually both of us.

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