Sunday, December 30, 2007

Baby Viking's First Christmas

Fox enjoyed looking at and playing with the big pile of presents, most of which were for him. Mischke enjoyed mutilating the mini-tree we got this year, after she destroyed the regular sized tree we had last year. She is on the naughty list.

Fox had an ear infection (again!) over Christmas. He had a very high fever and was tired and a bit out of sorts when it was time to open presents. So, here he is half clothed, way less interested in his gifts than the rest of us. He got the pictured ornament, clothes, and nativity set, among many other fantastic things.

I think he was humiliated by these antlers, because he really didn't want to hold still for the picture. But mommy was unrelenting, and eventually successful.

Fox had lots of fun hugging cousin Josh Fischer. It was really cute. He didn't want to let go. It was like watching Titanic, except without a boat. And without Leonardo Dicaprio. And I guess lots of other things were different, too.

Then, Fox met Santa. We had to wake him up for this event, so he looks really bored, but he is really just confused.

Fun times with Great Grampa and Great Grandma:

The gift opening was spread out over several days. This was another day when Fox had a fever, so he is stripped down to a onesie. He did have lots of special Christmas outfits, I swear.

Fox eats lefse.

Here we are opening gifts at home. Fox had no fever, and was very interested in all his presents.

These are not holiday related. Fox went on a wagon ride through his room:

And he took a bath:

And he hung out in his crib for a bit:

And he took another bath:

And he hung out in his crib some more:

And he ate cheerios in his new Viking outfit that he got from cousin Anthony. Anthony is 6 months old, and he is giving hand-me-downs to Fox, who is 11 months old. How crazy is that! But we don't mind, because AJ has pretty sweet taste in clothing.

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