Friday, June 22, 2007

Fun, games, and zoos

This week, I started a new parenting blog called Cruelty-Free Mommy. Feel free to check it out. It may or may not interest you, depending on how much you like to read people's opinions on raising babies.

Here are some pics Joe took of Fox this morning. He wanted me to post them both as proof to everyone that Fox smiles a lot.

Here is Fox wearing his super-cool new shades. They have a stretchy strap that goes around the back of his head, and they should fit until he is 2. I am excited, because they have UV proptection. And Fox will be happy, too, because although he love to look at lights, he hates the bright sunlight and squints and/or sneezes in the slightest bit of sun.

Here is Fox playing the Moses game with Joe. The game is where we put Fox in a laundry basket, push him back and forth and say, "Moses! Are you having fun in the river, Moses?" It's more fun than it sounds. We all chuckle away.

And here are pictures of our trip to Como Zoo this week. As you can see, Fox has grown much since our last visit to Como. Nobody stopped us to take Fox's picture, but people did call him cute. Of course!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love baby Fox!! He is just too DELICIOUS! Hugs!