Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Back to work!

On Monday, I have to go back to work. I am not looking forward to this at all, but at least I know Fox will be in good hands (with Daddy 2 days a week and with my friend Shannon 3 days a week). In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my favorite activities of being a mother, such as group naps:

It has been a lot of fun spending time with Fox. He is a pretty cool kid. Yesterday, he even wore shoes for the first time:

Fox is a pretty strong baby. He likes to stand up and kick. He also likes to show off his muscles, or "guns," as he insists on calling them (this was taken last week; he's 10 1/2 weeks old now):

He also likes it when I dress him up in different outfits for the sole purpose of taking photos. Here he is sporting his Nasa outfit from Uncle Kiah. Future rocket scientist? I think so!

Today, Fox had his two-month check-up (despite the fact that he is already two and a HALF months old--soo big!). He had three shots in his little chubby thighs. He cried a lot, both at the doctor's office and at home when I took off his band-aids. Here is a picture of the result of the latter:

Of course, I felt terrible. But he was very brave, and I think he is handling the experience much better than most babies would. This is all I have for now, but now that we have the 'inter-web' at home, I will post pictures more often.

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