Monday, November 26, 2007

November in Review

Fox had a big month. This past weekend was Fox's 1st Thanksgiving. We spent some time afterward decorating Grama and Grampa Fischer's house for Christmas:

Here is a picture of our family having Thanksgiving dinner at GG Meissner's house:

Fox and Mommy:

Fox got to eat one of Grampa's famous M&M cookies:

Hugging Grama:

Wearing Grampa's cool hat:

Playing in the crib:
Fox has a new hobby: looking out the window. Now he can pull himself up to standing, so he enjoys this a lot:

Another hobby: climbing on and chasing the cat:

Here's Fox's spiffy Thanksgiving outfit:

Playing in the crib while wearing a pooh hat:

All set for winter:

fox has been battling sicknesses. He has pinkeye and an ear infection in this picture, but he is still adorable: